Alternator Fit Mitsubishi

Aim Alternator Fits Mitsubishi Lancer 2008-2020 1.8 2.0

Aim Alternator Fits Mitsubishi Lancer 2008-2020 1.8 2.0

Aim Alternator Fits Mitsubishi Lancer 2008-2020 1.8 2.0
We are an authorised distributor for Aim Automotive parts. Equivalent to Part Numbers: OEM: 10479999/ 10479990 Lucas: LRA02764 AE: NA Delco: DRA4138OEM: 10479999/ 10479990 Lucas: LRA02764 AE. If you order before 12PM we'll dispatch same day from our UK warehouse.

Petrol: 1.8, 2.0. OEM: 10479999/ 10479990 Lucas: LRA02764 AE: NA Delco: DRA4138OEM: 10479999/ 10479990 Lucas: LRA02764 AE: NA Delco: DRA4138. Type: Delco Specification: 12V 85A. The only way to be 100% sure that the part will fit your vehicle is to check the part number on your original unit matches one of the above. Consequential loss and labour claims are not accepted.

Fast Dispatch On All Orders. All orders are dispatched from our UK warehouse.

Items must be unused and in their original packaging.

Aim Alternator Fits Mitsubishi Lancer 2008-2020 1.8 2.0